In our April blog issue we will talk about the "relevancy diagnostic” in Turkish communication.
Especially in Turkey, relevancy is an important criterion for success in communication.
Turkish consumers expect compliance with their need for relevancy in advertisements.
Culture is the main reason for this.
The Turkish culture is a "Locally Sensitive" (see ESOMAR) one. Turkish consumers respect global brands, but only love the ones who are culturally sensitive.
The only way to tell that you are sensitive to Turks is to show them something relevant in the copy.
What does it mean to be relevant?
The consumer will find the copy relevant if he/she can identify them selves with an ad character/s, situation or the story.
The word "identification" confuses advertisers.
Advertisers partially misunderstand the definition of identifying with something.
The advertisers think that as long as the consumer sees a section of a regular life, will identify with the brand.
That’s partly true but partly false as well.
The theory of showing a part of regular life in a copy will help identification is true for adults.
However, this theory does not apply to youngsters.
What youngsters would like to see is a character more adventurous, more interesting than what they have in a real life.
That is why, the youngsters do not identify with real life stories. They are mostly influenced by advertisements covering “urban legends”.
Let us wrap up by an example.
"Pepsi Max and Aysun Kayacı" ad is a good example. "Drink Pepsi Max & Aysun will kiss you" is just an urban legend copy.
The characters are cool.
Want a more recent example?
"Istanblue -The City Itself" is a perfect example..
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