Studies show that different factors seem to influence the
extent to which the creative idea is interesting and involving in different
For example in Italy “production values” and in UK
“originality” are the main diagnostics having the highest correlation with advertising
In Turkey “enjoyability” is the main driver of advert
Turkish consumers are much more inclined to buy a product if
they had “enjoyable” engagement with brand’s advertising.
In Turkey Consumers are considerably more motivated from
enjoyability than repetition (higher GRP’s). Enjoyability works better than pushing for
memorization with high GRP’s (a
methodology once used by Şahin Sucuklar – 5 second infamous copies
saying “anlatılmaz tadılır”)
Turkish advertisers and the brands for which they work for
often misinterpret what enjoyability really means.
Enjoyability is not equal to “fun” per se.
Even highly correlated with liking, it does not mean that we
need to air only “fun” copies.
What we need to worry about is aggregate feeling we cause.
For example when a viewer watches the “Babam ve Oğlum” movie,
he or she experiences a wide range of negative feelings during the film,
changing from anger to enormous sadness (all cried during the movie) but at the
end one leaving the cinema concludes that has enormously ‘enjoyed’ the movie.
It’s all about concluding that the experience was well designed
and you enjoyed the 30-seconds you spent on it.
Unfortunately the research companies in Turkey pre-test the
copy’s enjoyability by measuring the likability feeling felt during the copy
but not the aggregate (sum) feeling.
If the nature of the product or service requires creating a different
feeling from enjoyment, (i.e. pride), than its not fun you are looking for.
But the importance of enjoyability in Turkish advertisements
is a nightmare for the ad people.
The importance of enjoyability as a diagnostic makes the
Turkish advertising clutter one of the most difficult ones in Europe.
Enjoyability is hard to crack because “enjoyability” is a
highly “adaptable” feeling.
Consumers easily adapt to the high level of enjoyability
caused by the previous copy in the clutter, making every copy after slightly
less enjoyable than the previous one.
The most enjoyable copy in the clutter is the new “normal”
causing all the other copies seem average and worse than they are.
The worst thing is that even the most enjoyable copy in the
clutter suffers from the fact that the second time the copy is seen it becomes
less enjoyable than it was first time.
Enjoyability is a loose change; easily spent by the consumer
and never missed out.
That is the reason why the “wear out” rates in Turkey are
much higher than Europe.
A typical creative director in Turkey has to create more
concepts for the brands than his/her counterpart in Europe.
Enjoyability is a tough play and a never-ending quest.
Here are some secrets how to make enjoyable copies in
1. Music
Music acts as an
emotional link between the ad and the consumer.
Music is a strong
driver of enjoyability.
Music has to be
carefully considered within the creative efforts.
Well known but
successfully adapted and brand linked songs work better in Turkey.
The brands need to
be careful not to use very popular songs which may overshadow the brand
2. Trend spotting
Identifying trends
in Turkey can be a difficult task.
By getting involved
in Turkish network eco systems relevant to your brand will help you identify
the most relevant trends (topics, celebrities, jokes) for your target sample.
This, in turn will
give you opportunity to beat the competition by being the first to provide trendy
and enjoyable messages.
Özturkcell/Dilberay’s “Zorunda Mıyım” copy is a good example for a trend
spotted advertisement.
3. Light hearted humor
Even does not have
to be funny, yet humor mostly correlates with enjoyment.
But what is funny
for Turks?
When entertained,
the Turkish consumer always remembers the funny facts, and they easily
associate these funny facts with the product or service.
The trick is not to
exaggerate with the humor. Two basic
rules: Don’t make it witty, as the consumer wont understand it. Don't make it
hardcore, as the brand recognition suffers.
Make it light
hearted (creating “tebessüm” not laugh).
4. Less voiceover
The rule is simple:
less talk more work.
The Turkish consumer
carefully follows the story (dialogs) of the copy but does not listen the
voiceovers as carefully.
Voiceovers decrease
For ultimate enjoyment;
let the story tell the message not branded voice-overs.
If you must, the voice-overs
work better at the end of the story.
5. Active Processing
Turkish consumer
does not only expect enjoyability.
They expect active
enjoyability; meaning engaging content.
It refers to how the
viewer processes the ad, on a continuum from low to high involvement.
Some commercials are
processed passive, with viewers watching the ad in a state of relaxed inertia;
others are processed more actively, viewers figuratively sitting on the edge of
their seats turned to the screen.
More active
processing in Turkey means more enjoyability.
6. Relevancy
The story has to
resonate in order to become enjoyable.
Enjoyability is
highly culturally sensitive and contextual matter.
You cannot be
enjoyable without having the Turkish cultural codes.
Toyota’s “çıkarım
senle her yola” resonated with the consumer by using the concept of “emanet” in
the copy.
A concept culturally
highly relevant for the Turkish consumers.
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